“We invite you as a student of GSIM!”
Guidelines for 2023 Fall Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Management Admission
Schedule | Fall | Remark |
Online application | 3. 27. 2023.(Mon.), 10:00 ~ 4. 13.(Thu.), 18:00 |
Online Application |
Submission of Documents | 3. 27. 2023.(Mon.), 10:00 ~ 4. 14.(Fri.), 18:00 |
By Online |
Announcement of Documents Screening |
5. 19. 2023.(Fri.), 10:00 | GSIM Website |
Interview | 5. 22. 2023.(Mon.) ~ 5. 25.(Thu.) |
Announcement of Successful Candidates |
6. 20. 2023.(Tue.), 10:00 | GSIM Website |
Registration | 6. 20. 2023.(Tue.), 10:00 ~ 6. 23.(Fri.), 16:00 |
- Online Application
- The dates above are subject to change without a prior notice.
- Datails on the interview will be released into each candidates’ email.
Department and Degree
Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Management | PSM |
Business Analytics(Full-time) | O |
Business Analytics(Part-time) | O |
- PSM: Professional Science Master’s
- All Classes and exams are conducted in KOREAN ONLY.
- Eligibility
- Applicants who have a bachelor’s degree or will be awarded a bachelor’s degree by the first day of class or have an educational background equivalent to the above
- Admission Process
- 1st evaluation(Document screening): Evaluation of basic learning ability and development potential in the field of support, focusing on the documents submitted by the applicant..
- 2nd evaluation(Interview): Applicants will get interviewed on the basis of the applicant’s basic knowledge of major, level of interest in research, proficiency in English, and personal accomplishment..
- Interview can be conducted Online or Face-to-face.
- Required Documents
Guide line List of Documents NO List PSM(full-time) PSM(part-time) 1 Check list of documents (form1) ○ ○ 2 Application Form ○ ○ 3 Diploma(certificate) of bachelor’s degree ○ ○ 4 Transcripts of bachelor’s degree ○ ○ 5 Study plan and Personal Statement (form2) ○ ○ 6 English test report △ △ 7 Letter of agreement: Agreement for verification of academic record(form3) ○ ○ 8 (employeed) Cetificates of employment and careeres ○ ○ 9 (unemployeed) Written confirmation of unemployment status(form4) ○ ○ 10 Additional documents △ △ - ○: Mandatory, △: Optional
- Application Form: Print out the completed application form.
- Diploma (certificate) of bachelor’s degree
- University in Korea: Applicants who are graduated from a Korean university shall submit the original certificate of diploma. If he or she is a prospective graduate, he or she shall submit an original certificate of registration or certificate of expected graduation.
- University abroad: Applicants can submit notarized copy of diploma in case the materials get lost in the mail.(Prospective graduate shall submit a certificate of registration.) Successful candidates shall submit the Letter of Disclosure Agreement(Attached form 3), the diploma and the transcripts with apostille or have them authenticated by the Korean embassy.
- Transcripts
- University in Korea: Applicants shall submit the original transcripts. If the applicants transferred from one or more universities, each transcript is required from all universities.
- University abroad: Applicants can submit a notarized copy of transcripts in case the materials get lost in the mail. Successful candidates shall submit the Letter of Disclosure Agreement (Attached form 3), the diploma and the transcripts with apostille or have them authenticated in the Korean embassy.
- Prospective graduates must submit transcripts with all grades up to the available semester(submission of transcripts for all grades after admission will be requested)
- Study Plan/Personal Statement
It has to be included the application number after the online application and should be written in English or Korean.
- If applicable, the work experience can be written in Korean.
- Details on English Test Report(Score)
- Applicants should submit a test result of TOEIC, TOEFL(Code: 8807), IELTS, TEPS(New TEPS), G-TELP, TOEIC S/W, OPIC, which is official english proficiency test score operated by any official english test institution.
- The test date shall be within 2 years of the online application deadline.
- Additional documents
- Any documents showing applicants’ qualification or research achievements.
- Written confirmation of unemployment status
Applicants who are not employed should submit.
- Certificate(s) should be issued within 3 months from the start date of the online application.
- Application Process
Applicant (Korean)
UNIST admission website
Click the bannerU-way (Application agency)
Click the banner online applicationLogin
Login (Make an account)Fill out the online application
ID picture (3*4cm) within 3 months (black and white photo will not be accepted)Confirm the online application
Fill out the Application Form for admission, Study Plan and Personal Statement, and Letter of Disclosure Agreement for academic background inquiry online.Pay the application fee
Upload documents to be submitted
– Print out the online completed Application Form for admission, Study Plan and Personal Statement, and Letter of Disclosure Agreement.
– Collect together the documents such as graduation (degree) certificates, transcripts, official English proficiency scores, and additional documents with the printed documents in the order of the documents submission.
– The documents are scanned and converted into a single PDF file and uploaded to the online application site.(Click ‘Upload submitted documents’ in the confirmation of receipt completion)Complete submission of documents and the online application
– The application number is automatically created after paying the application fee.
– The application can not be modified after creating application number.Print out the test verification
Submit required documents by the deadline.- Application fee: \80,000 (Including the commission \5,000)
- To complete the online application, the application fee should be paid. After that, the admission number is automatically created.
- The application can not be modified after completing the online application (creating application number).
- Application Form, test verification, envelop cover can be reprinted from the website.
- No application fee
- Admin-office of Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Management,114-601, 50, UNIST-gil, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea.
- Contact: biztics@unist.ac.kr
- Announcement of Successful Candidates
- 1st evaluation(Announcement of Document Screening)
- Result of 1st evaluation: 5. 19. 2023.(Fri.), 10:00
Announcement of Final Successful Candidates(Interview): 6. 20. 2023.(Tue.), 10:00
- Important information
- All the Applicants should check the screening result at the GSIM website. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check the result.
- Admission shall be cancelled if the successful candidate fails to pay the admission and tuition fee at the designated date and the bank.
- 1st evaluation(Announcement of Document Screening)
- Important Notes
- Online application and required documents should be submitted by the deadline.
- Certain documents (e.g. Letter of Recommendation, Diploma, Transcripts, and English Test Report) can be sent directly and separately to the UNIST GSIM office with prior consultation. Do not send individual submissions arbitrarily.
- Applicants who fail to submit the documents by the deadline or who do not attend the interview will not be accepted.
- Documents submitted and the application fee will not be returned after competing the online application.
- If the applicants acquire an admission illegally then the admission shall be cancelled. Furthermore, if a criminal case is suspected, the applicants will be reported to the authorities in both of the countries in accordance with the law.
- If the successful candidate does not graduate from the previous school by the enrollment date, their admission will be cancelled.
- Successful candidates who have studied abroad should submit the diploma and transcripts Apostilled or having been authenticated by a Korean embassy. Their admissions shall be cancelled if they fail to submit the documents.
- Successful candidates who have studied in China should submit the documents issued by the Ministry of Chinese Education.(中國高等敎育學歷査詢報告 http://www.chsi.com.cn)
- Applicants must read the admission guideline carefully.
- Applicants must read the admission guideline carefully. they are responsible for any disadvantages that arise from applying without properly checking the admission guidelines.
- The UNIST GSIM committee will decide further details or issues that cannot be specified under these guidelines.